Unerfüllter Kinderwunsch: Was kannst Du tun um Deinen Traum zu erfüllen

Difficulties in Trying To Conceive (TTC)?

In our lives, things don't always go according to plan. Sometimes destiny has simply planned a different path for us, even if it is difficult for us to accept it. Even if we do everything we can to change that, we end up feeling powerless when we can't make a difference. The same applies when we're desperately trying to have children. However, this is made more difficult by the fact that this topic of conversation is still taboo in our society. There is a lack of honesty, experience and empathy. That is why we would like to talk about it openly here and explain to you what possible next steps are in case you have an unfulfilled desire to have children.

Prevalence and causes of infertility

You are not alone. The fact that infertility isn't a topic of conversation it doesn't mean it doesn't affect anyone. It's because it's still a taboo subject. In fact, every third woman who wants to have children is trying for more than 12 months in order to get pregnant. This is not surprising, because even in healthy couples who have regular sexual intercourse, the chances of becoming pregnant within the cycle are very low. Depending on age, these are usually around 10-30%. So there is no reason to feel left alone with these problems. And there's no need to bury your head in the sand either, because fertility can be improved. Mental and physical stress, an unhealthy lifestyle or the wrong diet can have a major impact on fertility and can be corrected with simple lifestyle changes. Therefore, a medical examination of both partners is important in any case in order to rule out possible physical problems and to take further steps.

In a medical consultation, the following factors are usually addressed:

  • Medical causes: Biological disorders such as hormone and menstrual disorders, sexually transmitted diseases, infectious diseases, congenital causes
  • Lifestyle: External factors such as exhaustion, stress, unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, weight problems

Vitamin & micronutrient support

In addition to the classic fertility treatment (such as hormone therapy, IFV, ICSI), there are also less invasive ways to boost fertility, such as the additional intake of vitamins and micronutrients. Most important here is folic acid, which not only promotes the health of the embryo, but also increases the chances of conception. Therefore, it should not only be taken during pregnancy, but several weeks beforehand. Other important nutrients for expectant parents include:

  • Coenzyme Q10, Myo-Inositol, Vitamin D and Alpha Lipoic Acid for Women
  • Coenzyme Q10, Trans Resveratrol, Selenium and Omega 3 for men

Mental Health Support & Self Help Groups

Many causes can be easily remedied with medical help, dietary supplements or a change in lifestyle, so that more than half of those affected are ultimately still able to welcome their own baby. Irrespective of this, trying to conceive is a unique situation for all couples, which can be physically and mentally very stressful - for the relationship and for one's own well-being. It is therefore advisable to seek psychological help in fertility centers or self-help groups in order to find support in these difficult times. Because even if psychological problems are not the cause of childlessness, they can still be the result of it. That is why the field of gynecological psychology was created. Here the connection between the psyche, stress and the unfulfilled desire to have children is discussed in more detail in order to either support couples in their desire to have children or to provide assistance on their new path in life. And that's why self-help groups were created. Here sensitive topics can be addressed openly and without fear of stigmatization, experiences can be exchanged with like-minded people and new perspectives or glimmers of hope can be gained.