Bedeutung Vitamin D bei Kinderwunsch

Why is Vitamin D important for Fertility?

Vitamin D, also known as the "sunshine vitamin," is an essential nutrient that influences our health in various ways. It strengthens our bones and immune system and contributes to the regulation of our metabolism. Scientific studies suggest that maintaining an adequate level of vitamin D can have a positive impact on both female and male fertility.

How does Vitamin D affect female and male fertility?

Female Fertility: Vitamin D can have a positive effect on the female menstrual cycle, egg maturation, and embryo implantation in the uterus. A sufficient level of vitamin D can increase insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation, promoting egg maturation and a healthy uterine lining.

Male Fertility: Vitamin D can influence the production of testosterone, which, in turn, can affect sperm production and quality.

How much Vitamin D is recommended for fertility?

In general, the German Nutrition Society recommends a daily dose of 20 micrograms (mcg) for adults, which is also the recommended maximum amount in Germany and Austria. The additional intake of vitamin D depends on the individual's vitamin D level. An optimal vitamin D level falls between 30 ng/ml and 50 ng/ml. If the level is below these values, a personal dosage should be determined by a doctor.

How to obtain sufficient Vitamin D?

As the name suggests, sunlight is the primary source of vitamin D, and the body can produce it through exposure to sunlight. However, it's essential to protect oneself from excessive sun exposure. Therefore, it may be necessary to utilize alternative sources of vitamin D:

  1. Diet: Some foods naturally contain vitamin D, including fish, eggs, mushrooms, and dairy products.

  2. Supplementation: Vitamin D can be supplemented by taking high-quality micronutrient supplements.

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for our health and fertility. Both men and women should ensure they get enough vitamin D to increase their chances of pregnancy. Adequate sunlight, a balanced diet, and supplementation are key to improving vitamin D levels.